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Cultural diplomacy

Italian Archaeological Mission in Swat

The Embassy of Italy to Pakistan is pleased to inform that the Italian Archaeological Mission in Swat has discovered an ancient cemetery, which experts believe was built between 1500 BC to 500 BC.
The remains, which belong to a pre-Buddhist era civilization, were discovered at Udegram, which was the capital of Swat during the Hindu Shahi period between the 8th and 10th century. The region was identified as ‘’Ora’’ by Aurel Stein, the city where Alexander the Great fought one of his battles. A total of 23 graves have been excavated at the site, where pottery, ornaments made of bronze and copper, spindles and hairpins, together with skeletons where found.
The discovery was done in the framework of the “ACT (Archaeology, Community, Tourism) – Field School”, a project carried out by the Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan, directed by Prof. Luca Olivieri, and the Directorate of Archaeology and Museums of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan). The ACT was launched to revitalize Swat archaeology, almost 60 years after the foundation of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan and financed by the Italian-Pakistani Debt-for-Development Swap Program.

The discovery confirms the cultural richness of the Swat area and the commitment of the Italian Authorities to assist Pakistan in revitalizing its very significant archaeological and artistic patrimony, which lists 6 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.



Cultural cooperation between Italy and Pakistan is pursued within the framework of the Agreement on Cultural, Scientific and Technological Cooperation (10 November 2005) and the Executive Programme on Cultural, Scientific and Technological Cooperation 2006-2008 (4 November 2006).

Cultural cooperation is also being promoted by the Italy – Pakistan Cultural and Friendship Association, established on 30 April 2007.


EXPO MILAN 2015 : Scholarships for Executive Courses offered by CEEP – Cremona Executive Education Program. Visit  htttp:// for details.



For information on general scholarships granted by the Government of Italy to non-Italian citizens and Italians living abroad, please refer to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website:

Italian Language Courses in Pakistan

Italian courses are available, at a university level, both at the National University for Modern Languages in Islamabad and at the University of Karachi.

Consular services

More information on schools and univerities in Italy, as well as consular services in this field, is available at the following link: Consular services > Study